Partners in Breakthrough



Eric and Linda provide spiritual coaching for individuals to break through any spiritual blockages that may be keeping them from their destiny. They utilize a one-on-one counseling setting, video conferencing, or phone to facilitate their practice. Their coaching sessions may address personal issues, generational influences and spiritual dynamics in relationships as well as personal training on spiritual warfare topics and the fivefold ministry.

They also engage individuals working with Christian counselors who feel "stuck" in their healing process. Many times a session or two will bring the spiritual breakthrough required to fully grasp the counseling techniques and bring a fullness of healing.

In addition, Eric and Linda work with business leaders to determine if there are spiritual blockages that are holding back their business or career from full launching and success. Often times structural changes need to take place for the entire organization to prosper. This allows for empowerment and collaboration to flow throughout the entire organization.





Dynamics for Kingdom Business

This course is based on Linda’s book, Reinventing the Wheel.  It addresses how businesses can come out of the Babylonian marketplace structure through specific revelation from the throne room of God.  We impart the new revelation of the godly structures of Ezekiel’s “wheels” which facilitates exponential business growth.  Additionally, we give understanding as to the “clashing of two kingdoms” in the business arena and establish God’s strategy to overcome the kingdom of darkness as it contests for our businesses.


Spiritual Warfare Boot Camp

This four part series covers the following topics:

  • Setting The Captives Free

  • Curses

  • Understanding Your Spiritual Authority

  • Promotion: Walking In New Levels of Spiritual Authority


Freedom from Freemasonry

This three part series covers the following topics:

  • Freemasonry Overview (Biblical roots of Freemasonry)

  • Freemasonry: Babylonian Religious System In Our World Today (Modern-day Freemasonry)

  • Masonic Mindsets (Understanding Masonic mindsets in government, business, church, and family)


Deeper Dimensions in Deliverance

This training series is an advanced level course that is designed to train deliverance ministers, therapists, and pastors who work with clients suffering from deep trauma, DID, SRA and Governmental Programming.  It is also helpful for individuals seeking freedom and healing from these issues. This six part series covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to Trauma

  • Spiritual Effects of Trauma

  • Mind-Control and Programming

  • Dimensions: Exposing the Counterfeit

  • Confronting the Counterfeit