Truth spreads; testimony begets testimonies.

After having had several sessions with Eric and Linda, I feel very centered in my core unlike anything I have experienced before. I now experience a much higher sense of well-being. The process of being integrated has resolved such feelings, as well as others, of wanting to die, what’s the use and feeling on the bottom instead of the top. I have noted a new level of patience with people and for the first time feel like I really have it together.
— Anonymous
I can’t believe I spent 20 years seeking relief from bondage and never gained freedom. All the time and money I wasted on people who had NO clue as to what was destroying me. I am beyond thankful for the work Linda has done in less than a year’s time. Her insight and discernment cannot be matched. She remained constant and loving while providing strength and humor when I just couldn’t go on any longer. I quickly felt safe and knew she was who I had been searching for my whole life. She helped me realize I wasn’t crazy or making things up. For the first time I feel whole and connected and feel like living life. I am so appreciative of how willing she was to make sure I would come out the other side free. God bless her and the powerful work she does.
— C. E., Enraged * Suicidal * Depressed * Terrorized * Hopeless * Non-functional
Linda Sloan has the godly wisdom of understanding what the new wineskin is for the church in these end days and how we are to walk it out... For those with ears to hear what God is wanting done on His earth, Linda is pioneering new ground that I suggest we all take a good hard look at.
— D. A. W., Global Apostolic Council
For the past three years I have been praying for such a meeting as this. I knew physically I have been under spiritual attack and I have had some pretty large names in Christiandom who have wanted to do deliverance for me. But, God kept saying no ... you have to know the names of your attackers. After being with Linda, I so understand why God had me say no. My attack dreams ended after reading her book ... dreams I had my entire life. My sleep has GREATLY improved and Joy is RISING within me, unmatched joy. The three hours we were together were non-stop and flew by. I am forever thankful to have gone and to have had such a remarkable experience.
— L. R.
I donʼt think it would be possible to do justice to Linda Sloan in a short, written tribute, but will do my best to convey a message woven with words of Hope and Freedom. When I was first introduced to Linda, I was the picture of a woman wearing many masks, masks doing their best to hide my brokenness, fear and self-hatred. The masks had worn thin.
There is no doubt that the Lord put Linda in my path so walk me through a journey of healing by way of prayerfully guided steps towards self-discovery, freedom from bondage and a powerful encounter with Jesus! After years of trying several expensive treatment modalities, psychologists and self-help remedies, which produced temporary band-aid solutions, I met a woman willing and capable of utilizing her God-given giftings and prophetic anointing to help set people free! I admire Linda and the way she gives God the credit for the healing and provides an environment for healing free of judgement, ripe for restoration and skill-full techniques to walk her clients out of captivity. I would not be where I am today if it had not been for Linda Sloan.
— Kimberley Courtney B.A, B.SC, CPC Executive Director and Life Coach Narrow Road Home Womens Recovery Centre High River, Alberta, Canada