Our purpose is to help you succeed in the fullness of God's plans for you.


Our Mission

Our mission is to equip and launch individuals into their Kingdom assignment.  This is accomplished through Biblical teachings, spiritual coaching, deliverance, and inner-healing.

Eric and Linda have been restoration ministers for over 20 years.  As spiritual coaches, Eric and Linda work with individuals to break through any spiritual blockages that may be keeping them from God’s destiny for their lives.  They were ordained as pastors in 2006 and both are passionate about seeing God’s people fulfill their ordained calling in all spheres of influence (family, government, arts & entertainment, business, media, church, and education).  This involves discerning the spiritual blockages coming against the individual and seeking God’s divine strategy to overcome in today’s “end-time” environment.


In addition to working with individuals, they also emphasize breakthrough spiritual strategies for businesses.  This involves discerning the spiritual obstruction coming against a particular business or project and seeking divine strategy to overcome in today’s business environment.  In 2008, Linda wrote her first book, Reinventing the Wheel, on transforming the marketplace.  It focuses on coming out of a Babylonian system of command and control and into a godly business environment focusing on creativity, collaboration and ultimately freedom.


Eric and Linda are actively involved with the Global Church in such prayer initiatives as the American Film Market, the Olympics and the United Nations.  They have also participated in “stealth” prayer missions ranging from the top of Pikes Peak to the front steps of the Supreme Court.

We look forward to meeting with you and coming into agreement with God’s plans and purposes for your life!
— Eric and Linda Sloan